City Council Minutes 4/4/2023 Updates in Red

City of Margaret April 04, 2023 6:00 P.M. In attendance:         Councilman James Chapman, Councilman Darius Crump, Councilman Matthew Tortorice, Councilman Jonathan Ray, Mayor Pro-Tern Daryl McIntyre, and Mayor Isaac Howard Absent: Prayer: Mr. Barker Pledge of Alliance Meeting was called to order Discussion: Mayor Pro-Tem Daryl McIntyre made the Motion to approve Council Meeting minutes…

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City Council Minutes 3/7/2023 with Updates in Red

City of Margaret March 7, 2023 6:00 P.M. In attendance:         Councilman James Chapman, Councilman Matthew Tortorice, Mayor Pro-Tern Daryl McIntyre, and Mayor Isaac Howard Absent:        Councilman Darius Crump & Councilman Jonathan Ray Mayor Isaac Howard was sworn in Discussion: Councilman James Chapman made the Motion to approve Council Meeting minutes from 2-07-2023. Councilman Matthew Tortorice…

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